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Wild cast raises ‘Real World Denver’ to series peak

This is the true story of how seven strangers killed The Real World forever.

Actually, this season has been fantastic. There is a constant war going on in the Denver house, on a level different from any season in the past. The only question is, where do we go from here?

Let’s start out with some highlights from season XVIII. Just this past week, Tyrie was arrested for public urination then broke down and cried in the car on the way home. The arrest prompted his father to remind him that the incident will affect his chances of becoming a senator in the future. Yeah, that was the one that killed your chances, not the fact that you juggled two girls at the same time, tried to get in a threesome with two different girls in a hot tub and almost punched a 5-foot-2-inch girl for throwing a rock star symbol in your face. At least all the other cast members still have their political careers intact.

Then there is the first roommate to admit he had a drinking problem: Davis. After leaving the bars early, Tyrie accuses Davis of abandoning his roommates in their time of need. Blows are avoided solely by the grace of God, but the war of the words continues. While on the phone, Davis drops the ‘N’ word when talking about Tyrie, sparking more controversy and landing him a night in a hotel. But it’s OK because he has a drinking problem.

Brooke is just plain crazy, and not in a funny, entertaining way. She lives in her own fantasy world where the rules of society do not apply to her. Things that make Brooke break down or flip out include not being able to find a nail salon, being asked to clean up after herself and having to do any physical activity. Every time she has an outburst, you find yourself waiting for her head to spin around 360 degrees.

Meanwhile there are Colie, Jenn and Alex in the standard Real World love triangle. Colie continues to hook up with Alex, even though she has a boyfriend. Jenn hooked up with him, then apologized to Colie then did it again. Meanwhile Colie has a Brooke moment when she flips out about a sore throat, and Jenn becomes the second roommate to admit having a drinking problem after she tries to fight with everyone in the house.

The best moment of the triangle occurs during a fight between Jenn and Alex. After another drunken outburst from Jenn, Alex says ‘Why don’t you f*ck me again?’ sending the ‘rock star’ into an epic rage.

In comparison to the other six roommates, Stephen seems relatively normal. That’s saying a lot considering he admitted to being homophobic in the first episode. His only real flip-out was when Davis said the ‘N’ word, but even afterward, he wanted to discuss the issue with his roommate.

There has not been one dull moment in Denver this season. With all the hookups, racial and sexual harassment, violence and insanity, this one will be tough to top. The only logical solution: go out on top.

Reality shows rely on their casts, and no group of people will ever be as insane or entertaining as these seven strangers. Forget Sydney next season; kangaroos have nothing on Brooke.


Top five Real World fights of all time

1. Stephen vs. Irene – Seattle

Apparently throwing Irene’s teddy bear into the water after she called him gay wasn’t enough of a punishment in Stephen’s book. The next step was smacking her in the face. Classy.

2. David vs. Beth and Tami – L.A.

David became the first cast member to be kicked off The Real World when he dragged Tami across the floor, in her underwear and only covered by a sheet. He would not be the last.

3. Brynn vs. Stephen – Vegas baby, Vegas

Sometimes even a bitch slap doesn’t cut it when it comes to payback. When those times come, grab a fork and throw it at your enemy.

4. Danny vs. Austin, Texas – Austin

Nothing helps kick off a season like a good old-fashioned street brawl. Welcome to Austin, Danny. Hope you enjoyed getting cracked in the face.

5. Melissa vs. Dan – Miami

Don’t open someone else’s mail. Don’t call someone a bitch. Today’s life lessons brought you by The Real World.

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